Connect with
a career
that matters

Employee benefits

Work takes up a third of the day, so it should be as pleasant as possible and inline with a work-life balance approach.
Elastyczne godziny pracy

Flexible working hours

Praca hybrydowa/zdalna

Hybrid/remote work

Brak dress code'u

No dress code

Prywatna opieka medyczna

Private medical care

Ubezpieczenie na życie

Life insurance



Platforma Kafeteryjna

Cafeteria Platform

IP Tax Relief

IP Tax Relief

Employee Stock Purchase Plan

Employee Stock Purchase Plan

+3 dni wolnych dla ojców z okazji narodzin dziecka

+3 days off for fathers (the birth of a child)

Dofinansowanie do okularów

Co-financing for glasses

Dofinansowanie do szkoleń

Co-financing for training

Wsparcie w MBA

Support in MBA

Szkolenia mentoringowe

Mentoring training



Pakiet relokacyjny

Relocation package

Boisko i grill

Playground and grill

Masaż w biurze/w domu (10 km od Krakowa)

Masaż w biurze/w domu (10 km od Krakowa)

Biblioteka firmowa

Company library

Recruitment stages

To help the recruitment process run smoothly here are the different stages. We focus on transparency.
Analiza CV

CV analysis

After receiving your application, we will verify it and match it to currently open positions.

Rozmowa telefoniczna z rekruterem/rekruterką

Call with recruiter

We will talk for about 30 minutes about your expectations, preferences and experience. For some positions, you may have to complete a recruitment test/task. You will be informed at this stage.

Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna z Twoim przyszłym przełożonym i członkiem zespołu

Interview with your future superior and a team member

It will take place via Google Meets and will last about 2 hours, so it's a good idea to have a working camera and microphone. We will talk about your future responsibilities and see if we are a match for each other.

Ostateczna decyzja

Final decision

We will return with feedback as soon as possible (max. 2 weeks). We will inform you regardless of the decision: positive or negative.

Check out job offers in Motorola Solution.
We are constantly expanding our departments
R&D, Finance, Risk&Compliance,
Supply Chain:
